Corporate Finance   Strategic Alliances   Mergers & Acquisitions   Private Equity    

Global M&A Execution Capability

Acquisitions, mergers, JVs, business development and funding from strategic and financial investors; experience across diverse industries worldwide.

Creative Solutions for Issues

IndAsia has had extensive experience structuring and negotiating transactions to meet clients’ strategic and financial objectives. In a number of transactions, IndAsia has helped to develop transaction structures that are Value enhancing.

Private Equity Syndication

IndAsia’s experience as a private equity investor provides us insights into the needs of a private equity investor as well as the investee companies. We assist our clients in achieving their objectives by helping them raising private equity funding.

With IndAsia’s focus on long term strategic planning and our knowledge of our client’s business, the industry prospects and our understanding of the private equity industry, we help our clients evaluate the strategic alternatives available for raising capital and the potential sources for the same.

IndAsia assists clients in:

  • Identifying and shortlisting potential investors based on the fit with our client company
  • Participating in negotiations
  • Preparation of term-sheet
  • Execution of the transaction

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